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Customized books for Mom "Happy Birthday Mom"

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom
For any age

Personalize a special mother’s birthday gift

Delightful birthday gift for Mom
30 pages
8.5 x 8.5 inches
Softcover, Hardcover
$ 36.00

The perfect way to express your love and care

This custom book contains touching wishes and beautiful illustrations on each page. It says practically everything you've ever wanted to say, but could not find the words to.
Take a look inside personalized baby book for Mom

Personalized storybooks
for your child

More engaging
A story featuring your child as the main character retains attention 60% better than regular books.
Empowers literacy
Research conducted in 2017 by The National Literacy Trust showed that personalized print books could boost children’s early literacy skills.
More benefits from shared reading
Shared reading of a personalized book creates both a reading-for-enjoyment habit and a special bond between parent and child.
It’s time to create a story of your own

Personalized birthday book details

Our personalized birthday book for Mom makes a lovely and heartwarming present! We created this book to help anyone make a treasured birthday keepsake for their mother. Every page is beautifully illustrated and filled with touching wishes and words of love and gratitude.

You can choose the name, sex, skin tone, eye color, and hairstyle of the main character and put either yourself or your little one right in the book! The five-step personalization process takes less than ten minutes. No matter what age you are, anyone can create a story book featuring themselves for their mom.

This personalized gifts for moms birthday will include your name on the front cover and a special dedication carefully printed on the back cover of the book. You can also add your photo on the back cover and make this birthday book for mom a truly special memento to be cherished for a long time.