The Best Reading Tips for Kids Who Don’t Like to Read

Kid doesn't like to read books

Reading is an essential skill that all children need to develop to succeed academically and later in life. However, not all kids enjoy reading, which can be frustrating for parents who want to help their child develop good reading habits. If your child doesn’t like to read, don’t worry. With some creative strategies and a bit of patience, you can encourage your child to love reading.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best reading tips for kids who don’t like to read. From finding the right books to creating a comfortable reading environment, these tips will help you support your child’s literacy development.

1. Start with their interests

Reading about topics they enjoy can be a great motivator for children who don’t like to read. Start by finding out what your child is interested in and look for books or articles on those topics. This can be anything from sports to animals to science fiction. By starting with something that interests them, your child will be more engaged and willing to read.

2. Make reading a social activity

Reading doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. You can make it a fun, social activity by reading with your child. Take turns reading aloud, or create a family book club where you all read the same book and discuss it together. You can also encourage your child to read with friends or join a book club at their school or local library.

3. Let them choose what to read

Giving your child the freedom to choose what they read can be a game-changer. Let your child explore different genres and styles until they find something they enjoy. It’s okay if they want to read graphic novels or comic books instead of traditional chapter books. The important thing is that they are reading and enjoying it.

Nanny makes reading fun with kids

4. Make reading fun

Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. Make reading a fun activity by incorporating games or activities. For example, you could create a scavenger hunt based on a book, act out scenes from a story, or make a craft related to a book. By making reading fun, your child will be more likely to engage with it.

5. Create a comfortable reading environment

The next reading tip for kids is creating a comfortable reading environment because it can make all the difference. Create a cozy nook in your child’s room with comfortable pillows and blankets. Make sure there is adequate lighting and that the space is free from distractions, such as televisions or loud music. You can also add some plants or posters to make the space more inviting.

6. Make reading a routine

Consistency is key when it comes to developing good reading habits. Set aside a specific time each day for reading, such as before bedtime or after dinner. Encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes each day. Over time, reading will become a natural part of their routine.

7. Reward their efforts

Positive reinforcement is a good reading tip for kids. It can go a long way in encouraging your child to read. Create a reward system for reaching reading goals or completing a book. This can be anything from a special treat to a small gift. By rewarding their efforts, your child will feel proud of their accomplishments and be more motivated to continue reading.


Developing good reading habits is essential for your child’s academic and personal growth. If your child doesn’t like to read, don’t give up. With these tips, you can help your child develop a love for reading and improve their literacy skills. Remember to make reading a fun and enjoyable activity, and don’t put too much pressure on your child. With patience and perseverance, your child will be on their way to becoming a confident and enthusiastic reader. Find the next perfect book for your kid through completing our 2-minute test for parents!


What if my child is a slow reader?

If your child is a slow reader, don’t worry. Reading speed is not the most important thing when it comes to developing good reading habits. Encourage your child to read at their own pace and don’t put too much pressure on them to read quickly. Instead, focus on making reading a fun and enjoyable activity.

What if my child is a visual learner and doesn’t enjoy reading books with lots of text?

If your child is a visual learner, consider introducing them to graphic novels, comic books, or illustrated books. These types of books often have lots of pictures and are easier to read for children who prefer visual aids. You can also try audiobooks or read-aloud as an alternative.

How can I help my child who struggles with reading comprehension?

If your child struggles with reading comprehension, you can help them by asking them questions about the book or story they are reading. Encourage them to summarize what they’ve read and ask them to make connections between the story and their own experiences. You can also try using graphic organizers or visual aids to help them understand the story better.

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The Best Reading Tips for Kids Who Don’t Like to Read

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