How to Encourage Your Kids to Read More by Making it a Game

Mom and son playing together in the living room

Reading is essential for every kid, as it serves as a catalyst for the development of their linguistic capabilities, aids in the enhancement of their vocabulary, and provides a pathway for them to expand their cognizance of the environment that surrounds them. Nevertheless, the endeavor of inculcating in children a preference for reading is a challenge, particularly in instances where they perceive it as an arduous undertaking. This is where making reading a game can come in handy. By incorporating fun activities and challenges into reading, you can encourage your kids to read more and develop a love for books.

The best steps for parents:

  1. Set a Reading Goal
  2. Make Reading a Group Activity
  3. Create a Reading Challenge
  4. Use Incentives
  5. Pick the Right Books
  6. Encourage Creativity

Set a Reading Goal

Setting a reading goal is a great way to motivate your child to read more. Nonetheless, it is crucial to commence with an attainable aim. The book should be customized based on the child’s age and aptitude, for instance, you may choose to begin with a goal of perusing a solitary book every week or delving into two books each month. Alternatively, any other goal that resonates with your child’s proclivities can also be considered. You can also celebrate milestones, such as completing ten books or reading for a certain number of hours, to help your child feel accomplished and motivated. Using a reading log can also be helpful in tracking progress and keeping your child accountable.

Make Reading a Group Activity

Reading doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. In fact, making it a group activity can create a sense of community and make it more fun. You can start a family book club, where you read a book together and then discuss it. You can also create a reading circle with your child’s friends or other families, where you take turns reading aloud or sharing your favorite books. Hosting a reading party can also be a fun way to make reading social and engaging.

Create a Reading Challenge

Creating a reading challenge can add excitement and motivation to reading. You can set a time limit, such as reading a certain number of books in a month, or make it a scavenger hunt by creating a list of books with different themes or genres to find. You can also use reading bingo cards, where your child gets a bingo for completing certain reading-related tasks, such as reading a biography or a book from a different culture.

Mom gives a cookie to daughter

Use Incentives

Using incentives such as rewards and prizes can make reading fun and rewarding for your child. You can offer rewards for completing books, such as a small treat or privilege. You can also use a point system, where your child earns points for reading and can redeem them for prizes or privileges. Creating a prize box, where your child can choose a prize for completing a certain number of books or reaching a reading milestone, can also be a fun way to motivate your child.

Pick the Right Books

Picking the right books is crucial in making reading enjoyable for your child. You can let your child choose the books they want to read, or you can use reading level guides to find books that are appropriate for their reading level. You can also find books on topics they love, such as dinosaurs, space, or animals, to make reading more interesting and engaging for them.

Encourage Creativity

Encouraging creativity through activities related to books can spark your child’s imagination and make reading more fun. For example, your child can act out scenes from their favorite books, make crafts or artwork related to the story, or even write fan fiction. These activities not only make reading more engaging but also help your child develop their creativity and self-expression.


Encouraging your kids to read more by making it a game can be a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family. By setting reading goals, making it a group activity, creating reading challenges, using incentives, picking the right books, and encouraging creativity, you can help your child develop a love for reading that will last a lifetime. Remember, reading is a fundamental skill that will help your child succeed in school and in life overall. To find the perfect book for your kid please visit our 2-minute test for parents!


How do I know if my child is ready to start reading?

Most children are ready to start learning to read between the ages of 4-6 years old. However, every child is different, so it’s essential to pay attention to their readiness cues.

What if my child isn’t interested in reading at all?

There are many reasons why a child might not be interested in reading, including difficulty with reading or simply not finding it enjoyable. Try to find books that align with your child’s interests, and incorporate fun activities to make it more enjoyable.

How much time should my child spend reading each day?

The amount of time a child should spend reading each day depends on their age and reading level. As a general rule, younger children should read for at least 15 minutes a day, while older children should aim for 30 minutes to an hour.

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How to Encourage Your Kids to Read More by Making it a Game

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